Maslennikov Dmitry Nikolaevich
The entrepreneur of the 1st guild from Saratov. The organizer of the fishing business on the Kola Peninsula at the beginning of the 20th century, who invested about 1 million rubles in the development of the fishing business.The owner of the icebreaker-type steamer “Nikolai” with a capacity of 336 indicator forces (purchased abroad in 1907), the use of which since 1908 allowed the navigation on the White Sea to be extended for 3 months (in the fall by two, and in the spring by one) ships, trading posts in Tsyp-Navoloki and Port-Vladimir, houses and warehouses of coal on Kildin Island, a warehouse of food products and containers in the city of Aleksandrovsk. Member of the Arctic explotation. Donated at the disposal of the expedition V.A. Rusanov for the survey of the New Land motor sailing yacht (cutter) "Dmitry Solunsky" (worth 35 thousand rubles). From 1909 he switched to lending to small “independent” industrialists, who, having received a loan, pledged to donate the caught fish to Maslennikov at reduced prices. Glacier on the west coast of the northern island of New Earth. Named in 1910 by V.A. Rusanov. Cape on the west coast of the northern island of New Earth. Named in 1910 by V.A. Rusanov. |