Mehrengin Petr Petrovich


Russian military sailor, navigator.

In 1789 he entered the navigator students. Within ten years, he went from being a sub-navigator to a navigator assistant of the 14th grade.

In 1803-1804 on the frigate "Speshny" came from Arkhangelsk to Kronstadt and cruised in the Baltic Sea.

During 1805–1808  first as navigator 12, and then grade 9, Mehrengin served on the ship“ Moschniy”, which made the transition from Arkhangelsk to Kronstadt, sailed in the Adriatic Sea, participated in the siege of the Tenedos fortress and in battles with the Turkish fleet at Dardanelles and Mount Aphon.  In the years 1812-1814 he sailed off the coast of England, and in 1815 he was seconded to the port of Arkhangelsk, where he served for 20 years, fulfilling the duties of a pilot captain.

In 1827 Mehrengina was renamed lieutenant colonel of the Naval Navigators Corps, in 1830 - colonel. In 1835 and 1836. He seconded to the Hydrographic Department in St. Petersburg.

Merit Mehrengina awarded Order of St. Anna 3 degrees and St. Vladimir 4 degrees.

Dismissed from service in 1838 in the rank of Major General.

The islet (Mikhrengin) in front of the entrance to Krotov Bay near the Kara coast of the southern island of Novaya ZemlyaNamed in 1833 by P.K. Pakhtusov.


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