Mikhailov Konstantin Ivanovich 
(14.09.1838 - 14.10.1918)

General for Admiralty, explorer of the Caspian, Black and Baltic Seas. 
Born in St. Petersburg in the family of a petty official of the Ministry of State Property. At the age of 9  Mikhailov was given to the Alexander Military Corps, and two years later transferred to the Naval Cadet Corps. Still, being a midshipman, in 1856 he participated in the hostilities on the Baltic Sea against the Anglo-French squadron. After graduating from the corps in 1857  he received the rank of midshipman and was left in the officer class to continue his education. 
In the period 1860–1874 Mikhailov was in various positions engaged in hydrographic work in the Caspian Sea, and in 1876–1884 he led an expedition to survey the northern coast of the Black Sea. Since 1885  he was seconded to the Main Hydrographic Department, was engaged in shooting Lake Onega and the Baltic Sea, in 1891 became an assistant head of the Main Hydrographic Department, and a year later for excellent service he received the rank of major general. 
In 1898  Mikhailov was promoted to lieutenant general and headed the State University, remaining on this post until 1903. His activity was very fruitful. He initiated the development of a plan for the development of a network of lighthouses in the Pacific Ocean, and their active construction began. Intensive work was carried out on a comprehensive survey of the Yellow Sea and hydrographic work along the Arctic coast of Russia from the Yenisei to the White Sea. Military research vessels engaged in the protection of marine industries began to be involved in research, and for the first time in the Baltic Sea, ice metering was used. A fundamental technical revolution, which simplified and improved the process of reissue and multi-color printing of maps, occurred in the cartographic and publishing business. 
Mikhailov did a lot in the development of research projects. With his active support, a Russian-Swedish expedition on the “degree measurement” on Spitsbergen and the famous Russian Polar expedition were organized. Mikhailov was an active member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, a member of the Council of the Russian Astronomical Society, a member of the Board of the Russian Society for Water Rescue. 
Mikhailov’s last duty station was the Chief Naval Court, of which he was a member from 1903 to 1909, after which, in the rank of full admiralty general, he was retired due to age. He died in Petrograd. 
Islands off the northwest coast of the island Vaigach. Named in 1902 by the hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean under the leadership of A.I. Varneka. 
Peninsula on the west coast of Taimyr. It was described and mapped in 1931 by members of the Komseveroputi expedition aboard the ship “Belukha” under the direction of A.K. Burke and named after the cape, located on this peninsula. 
Cape on the west coast of Taimyr. Named in 1906 when mapping Russian Polar expedition. 
Bay on the Mikhailov Peninsula in the Kara Sea. Described and mapped by Soviet hydrographs no later than 1934. 
Named on the peninsula.


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