Mohn Henryk 

Outstanding Norwegian meteorologist. 
Born in Bergen. In 1858 he graduated from the university in Christiania (Oslo), and two years later was left at the university scholar of astronomy. 
In 1861 he was entrusted with the production of meteorological observations, which largely determined the direction of his further scientific activities. 
Prior to the organization of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Mohn processed all the accumulated materials of meteorological and magnetic observations conducted in Norway, which was a necessary preparatory stage for organizing a meteorological service in Norway. In 1866 after the establishment of the Institute, Mon became its director and held this post during 1866-1913. Under the leadership of Mohn Institute was one of the first among similar institutions in other countries. His efforts created a regular network of weather stations in Norway, whose activities were constantly monitored by Mohn. He is the author of numerous first-class meteorological works covering a wide range of problems, from theoretical developments to training manuals and observation instructions. 
Mohn's contribution to the processing of meteorological observations of many polar expeditions, including N.A. Nordenskiöld and especially F. Nansen on "the Fram". 
The history of the Nansen expedition is closely related to the name Mona. His article on the discovery on the south-west coast of Greenland of some items belonging to the participants of the American expedition of J. De-Long, published in 1884 in the Morgenbladet newspaper, prompted Nansen to think about the possibility of reaching the North Pole on a vessel frozen in drifting ice. Mohn supported the idea of Nansen. He organized the entire meteorological part of the expedition, according to his instructions, all the instruments that had passed the calibration at the Meteorological Institute were ordered, and observations were made according to his instructions. Upon return, the instruments were checked again, and all material was transferred to Mona. Following the processing of this rich material, Mon wrote an extensive work of 670 pages with 20 drawings and maps, which is an outstanding scientific study. Using this material, as well as observations of other polar expeditions and stations lying between the pole and 60°N, Mohn built new polar maps of isotherms and isobars. In the history of the development of meteorology, his works occupied an outstanding position. 
Based on indirect data, Mohn estimated the thickness of the Greenland ice sheet (2000 m), which is rather close to the value obtained in 1930 by A. Wegener by theseismic method. 
One of the most recent scientific works of Mohn was a discussion of the results of observations of the expedition of R. Amundsen in the Antarctic. 
Mon was an outstanding organizer of science. 
With his active participation, the International Meteorological Assemblies were established, he was a member of the Permanent Meteorological Committee since its foundation in 1873, an honorary member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences, a corresponding member of the Royal Geographical Society, and did much to improve the methods of observation and publish their results.

He died in Oslo. 
Islands north of Cape Sterlegova near the coast of Khariton Laptev. Named by F. Nansen in 1893. 
Cape south of Cape Zhelaniya on Novaya Zemlya. The name was given by the Norwegian expeditions in 1869–1871. 
The mountain on the northern island of Novaya Zemlya, southeast of Legzdin Bay.

Mountain in the very north of the Swedish island in the islands of King Charles. The coordinates are 78° 49.8'N  26° 32'E. 
Cape on a small island in the Lincoln Sea, northeast of the Nansen Land Peninsula. 
Cape in the south of the island of Northeastern Territory of the Svalbard archipelago. 
Glacier on the west coast of Greenland in Melville Bay.

Bay on the eastern shore of the island of Western Svalbard.


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