Morgan John Pierpont 

American millionaire. 
Born in Hartford, Connecticut. His ancestors arrived in America long before the war of independence. On the maternal line religious intellectuals prevailed: priests, writers, poets. One of the Pierponts was the founder of Yale University. In the father's clan there were many successful administrators and entrepreneurs. John’s grandfather owned an insurance company, and his father, Junius Spencer Morgan, was already a millionaire by the time his son was born, thanks to trade and financial operations conducted not only in America but also in Europe. 
Being a bright and cheerful boy, Morgan easily mastered school subjects. Soon the family moved to England, where the head of the family became the companion of a major London banker George Peabody. Morgan continued his education at a Swiss private school, and then entered the famous University of Göttingen in Germany, where he studied in depth mathematics and chemistry. Despite advances in the natural sciences, he declined the offer to take a position at the department, because he was confident that his future was related to commerce. 
From 1857 to 1861  Morgan served in the bank "Duncan, Sherman and Kº" in New York. After working in various firms in 1871, Morgan became a partner in the company Drexler, Morgan and Kº. After the death of a partner in 1893, the company was transformed into a banking house “J. P. Morgan and K º”.  In conjunction with its dependent banks in Philadelphia, Paris and London, the house at that time was the largest financial company in the world. 
Bank Morgana controlled the construction of railways, participated in the creation of the largest steelmaking company Y. Es. Steel Corporation, an electrical engineering company General Electric, financed passenger traffic in the Atlantic. Morgan had the unique ability to quickly and accurately assess the potential of his potential partner and his business proposals. After reading the new project, he almost never entered into a discussion, but made a final decision, for which he even received the nickname “yes-or-no Morgan”. In his office hung a sign with the dictum: "Think a lot, say little, do not write anything". “To think a lot” Morgan preferred for solitaire and a cigar - his favorite Pedro Murias J.P.M. was made in Havana especially for him. 
Morgan is known as a collector of paintings, books and other works of art, many of which were donated to the Metropolitan Museum in New York, whose sponsor and president was personally. 
After his death, the son of Morgan in 1924 opened the “Pierpont Morgan” Library in New York and appointed as the first director of his personal librarian Father Bell da Costa Green.


Cemetery Cedar Hil


Morgan is also known as the largest philanthropist: in addition to the Metropolitan Museum, he donated huge amounts to the American Museum of Natural History, the Groton School in Massachusetts, Harvard University, especially its Medical School, labor schools, and the U. Welman Arctic expedition. In 1901  he allocated the money to Nikola Tesla for the construction of a tower for radio communications across the Atlantic.

According to some data he died in Rome, on the other - during an ocean cruise en route to Egypt. He was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford, Connecticut. 
Strait off the coast of the island Wilczek Land archipelago Franz Josef Land . Named in 1899 by the American expedition of U.Welman.


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