Morozov Nikolai Vasilyevich 
(12(24).11.1862 - 02.03.1925)

Russian military sailor, hydrograph, polar explorer. 
Born in the village of Znamenskoye (Krivtsovo), Shchigrovsky district, Kursk province, in a merchant family. He graduated from the Kursk real school, then - the navigator department of the Technical School of the Naval Department in St. Petersburg; In 1882 he began service on the Baltic Sea with the rank of ensign of the Naval Navigator Corps. During 1888–1891, he was at the disposal of the Separate Shooting of the Pacific Ocean under the supervision of Lieutenant K.P. Andreev; participated in the descriptive works of the southern part of the Peter the Great
In the last decade of the 19th century, the government, under pressure from the public concerned about the state of affairs in the marine waters of the Russian North, sent several military vessels of the Baltic Fleet to the Arctic Ocean, the task of which was to protect Russian fields, monitor the activities of Norwegian St. John's wort, hydrographic surveys in the White and Barents Seas. 
The young
lieutenant of the Naval Navigators Corps Morozov, who was transferred here from the Pacific Ocean, took part in these studies. In 1894  he was on the cruiser "Vestnik" under the direction of M.Ye. Zhdanko made astronomical and magnetic observations, as well as survey work near the coast of Rybachy Peninsula, in the Kola Bay, Teriberskaya Bay, in the area of the Iokang Islands. 
He was then instructed to complete the pilot description of the coast east of Murman to the Kara Sea. For the standard, Morozov took the description of the shores of Lapland produced by M.F. Reineke, and tried in his work to reach his level. Compiled by Morozov, the pilot saw the light in 1896. It included a detailed description of the coast and islands from Kanin Nos to Vaigach Island with details of significant places and signs, contained information about the depths, reefs and shoals, currents, water properties, hydrometeorological characteristics. 
From 1899 to 1905 Morozov was an assistant to the head of the Arctic Ocean Hydrographic Expedition A.I. Vilkitsky. In his work on studying the conditions of navigation in the North, he paid great attention to the experience gained by Russian sailors at the dawn of northern navigation. The old notebook that came to him with the text of Moroz’s station was published in 1908 in the “Notes on Hydrography”, accompanying it with an introductory article, comments and a dictionary of Pomeranian terms. 
For the next five years he headed the Hydrographic Party of the Separate Survey of the Murmansk Coast, commanded the steamer “Pakhtusov”. In 1905, Morozov carried out 22 steamships with cargoes for the Great Siberian Railway at the mouth of the Yenisei, becoming the first flight master of the Kara Sea. 
Since 1910, with the rank of Colonel
of the Naval Navigators Corps, he worked at the Main Hydrographic Office, heading its geodesic part. In 1911, under his leadership, places were chosen for the organization of stations at Cape Maré-Sale and in the Kara Gate. The following year, an attempt was made to start their construction, but the difficult ice situation in the Kara Sea did not allow the expedition ships to go further into the Yugorsky Shar. It was here that the last time “St. Anna" G.L. Brusilov. In the logbook, Morozov wrote down: “During the day, I saw a very beautiful barkentina ... walking boldly from the Yugorsky Shar right into the ice of the Kara Sea; I guessed that this was “Anna” by Lieutenant Brusilov.The captains of the steamers, who were stationed at the radio station, told me later that Brusilov was anchored near them and said that he wanted to consult me about sailing in the Kara Sea”.  Unfortunately, this meeting did not take place. 
During the 1913 navigation, which was more favorable in the ice, Morozov participated in the hydrographic research and navigation equipment of the Kara Sea conducted on the Nikolai-2 steamer. A year later he prepared and in 1915 published a monograph on the results of the inventory of the White Sea. 
After the October Revolution, Morozov worked in the Polar Commission of the Hydrographic Department, in the Maritime Committee of the Russian Hydrological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, and took an active part in the work of the Geographical Society, of which he was 17 years old. 
Assessing the contribution of Morozov to the study of the northern seas, Yu.M. Shokalsky wrote: “... In this respect, and in many others, the merits of N.V. Morozov in front of the country is very great and should be the last to be rewarded widely and fairly in relation to the benefits that his work not only brought, but also will bring for a long time”. 
Unfortunately, this, as often happens, did not happen. The revolution, civil war, and the difficult post-war years scattered his once large family around the world. Still not old, but Morozov, who is no longer capable of work, ended his life in a boarding house for lonely, poor people. 
He died in Leningrad, was buried in the Smolensk Orthodox cemetery in the grave of his young relative, who died in 1914. Stele on the curb of Putilov plate appeared only in the 1980s. Graves of Morozov and A.I. Vilkitsky located opposite each other on both sides of the crosswalk. 
Island in the Strait of Kara. Named in 1902 by A.I. Varnek. 
Cape in the east of the island Bolshevik. Opened in 1914 and named by the hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean. 
Cape in the west of Verne Island in the Kara Sea, southwest of Dikson Island. Named in 1962 by V.A. Troitsky. The name was approved by the decision of the Dikson regional executive committee of December 20, 1962. 
Cape Western entrance to Rogachev Bay in the Kostin Shar Strait. 
In 1896 called by the officers of the screw transport “Samoyed”, which performed hydrographic work here.


Cape Morozov  in Rogachev Bay

(photo O. Himanycha)

Cape in the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea. Surveyed and named by crew of the cruiser "Herald" in 1894. 
The strait separating from the mainland the island of Mestny near the port of Amderma. Apparently named in 1933 by the captain of the steamer “Gleb Boky”, Steinberg.


Morozov Strait

(photo V. Shadrina)


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