Multanovsky Boris Pompeevich 

Russian meteorologist. 
Born in St. Petersburg in the family of a surgeon, privat-docent of the Military Medical Academy. Secondary education in the 1st classical gymnasium. In 1899 he graduated from St. Petersburg University, where, under the leadership of A.I. Voeikov specialized in meteorology. Wanting to devote himself to the study of nature, Multanovsky, while still a student, entered the meteorological observatory of the Forestry Institute as an observer, and, learning about the upcoming opening of the meteorological station at the university, joined his organization. After opening the station, he became its first observer.
Since 1900  Multanovsky began working at the Pavlovsk Observatory, and in 1903 he was transferred to the Main Physical Observatory in the Daily Bulletin Section. The main scientific and practical activity of Multanovsky is connected with the Main Physical Observatory, here he developed his forecast method, here the Russian school of long-term synoptic forecast originated. In 1915  Multanovsky published the fundamental work "The Influence of Atmospheric Action Centers on the Weather of European Russia". It shows the decisive influence of the Arctic center of action, several types of weather have been established: western, active polar, western and eastern, passive polar, and mixed. The Multanovsky long-term forecast method was based on three points: the study of atmospheric action centers, the study of the way in which the nuclei secreted by the action centers invade Russia, and the study of certain periods in weather changes.Multanovsky was so sure of the correctness of his method that he began to use it practically. 
In the same 1915  Multanovsky predicted an exceptionally high flood on the Lena, gave a forecast of the ice cover of the Kara Sea for the expedition B.A.Vilkitsky, wintering in the ice  on the ships "Taimyr" and "Vaigach". He correctly predicted the early opening of the ice and the early start of navigation, despite the fact that the winter of 1914–1915 was very harsh. 
Multanovsky introduced into practice the projection of the creation of so-called composite maps, which facilitated the analysis of the features of the development of synoptic processes over large spaces. 
Despite the positive results of Multanovsky’s forecasts, his method had many opponents who had achieved that the
Main Physical Observatory authorities had forbidden him to give forecasts on behalf of the observatory. 
In 1919 Multanovsky again began to give weather forecasts under his personal responsibility, and in 1921 he received permission for official regular forecasts. The first published forecast was the prediction of the weather for the service bureau of the Nikolaev (now October) railway, which made it possible to avoid large losses and disruptions in railway traffic. From next year, the Main Physical Observatory began to regularly make long-term forecasts for natural synoptic periods and seasons. In 1924, Multanovsky gave a detailed synoptic analysis of the strongest Leningrad flood. 
In the second half of the 1920s  Multanovsky’s method was expanded by him and his students. The possibility of applying the method to the forecast of ice, rain, Kara cold influences, the opening of rivers was clarified. Scientific developments of Multanovsky and his students were summarized by him in the monograph "The main provisions of the synoptic method of long-term forecasts". 
From 1930 until the end of his life  Multanovsky was the head of the long-term forecasts sector in the
Main Physical Observatory. In 1935 he was elected a full member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.


19 line Vasilyevsky Island house 12. Here B.P. Multanovsky lived  at the time of 1934

In 1936 the scientific community celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of Multanovsky, which by that time had become an internationally recognized scientific authority.Numerous scientists and representatives of various organizations gathered in the large hall of the All-Union Geographical Society. The honorable chairman of the society Yu.M. Shokalsky. 
Hard work undermined the health of Multanovsky. Doctors urged him to beware, but he did not want to admit that he was sick. The last weather forecast Multanovsky gave for April 1937. He predicted a synoptic situation, the probability of which according to statistics over the past years was no more than 5%, and this prediction was brilliantly justified. 
Heart disease chained Multanovsky to bed, but with the slightest improvement in his condition, he tried to work. Suddenly, a sharp deterioration.


Grave B.P. Multanovsky until 1986

Grave B.P. Multanovsky until 2014

Multanovsky died in Leningrad and was buried at the Smolensk Lutheran cemetery. In 1986  the territory where the grave was located was set aside for the construction of a fire station. At the reburial, the tombstone was stolen. At the new location until July 1, 2014, there was a broken concrete cross with a sink and a flower garden.Negotiations with the leadership of the Main Geophysical Observatory about putting in order the graves of their outstanding staff member led nowhere. What turned out to be impossible for a glorious observatory was easily realized by a private individual - G.P. Avetisov. Installed a concrete cross with a sign. 
Cape on the Armitage peninsula of the island of George Land Archipelago Franz-Josef Land. Named by Soviet cartographers in the 1950s.


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