Nalivkin Dmitry Vasilyevich 

An outstanding Soviet geologist and paleontologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor. 
Born in Petersburg. His father was a geologist, his mother was a teacher, his grandfather and grandmother were peasants of the Voronezh province. 
Nalivkin graduated from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute, began his scientific activity in 1909 with the famous oil industry worker D.V.Golubyatnikov, who instructed him to collect and process quaternary conchs of bivalves in the vicinity of Baku. To separate them, Nalivkin used statistical methods, becoming one of the founders of mathematization of paleontology. Subsequently, the new branch of paleontology, which develops methods for determining the remains of fossil animals with the help of computers, has been further developed. 
In the years 1911-1913 on behalf of D.I. Mushketov Nalivkin studied the remains of another class of marine animals - brachiopods from the Paleozoic layers in Central Asia. This study of his allowed to lay the doctrine of curvilinear symmetry, the main provisions of which he published in 1925. "This is a small essay (7 pages of text)", wrote I.I. Shafranovsky, - opened fundamentally new and unexpected horizons in science. First of all, it infinitely extended the framework of classical symmetry developed by crystallographers and geometers, and showed the need for an in-depth approach to symmetry patterns. This was the beginning of the innovative direction, which was marked by the emergence of a number of original concepts ... ". 
In 1920 A.A. Borisyak instructed Nalivkin to prepare and read in the Mining Institute a course of lectures on the theme “The doctrine of the facies”, that is, the doctrine of the paleogeographic conditions of sediment accumulation. On the basis of these lectures a book was written, which was published in 1932. It was greeted with great interest and already in the next year came out the second edition. Continuing to study the conditions of accumulation of precipitation, Nalivkin in 1955-1956 already published the two-volume monograph “The doctrine of facies”. It contains a hierarchical classification of facies and features by which you can restore the landscapes of the past. These signs, he revealed on the basis of extensive literary data and his own observations. The monograph “The doctrine of facies” has become a reference book for several generations of geologists. 
In the activities of Nalivkin  geological maps occupied a significant place, especially when in the 1930s he was appointed director of the Institute of Geological Map of the Main Geological Survey Department. He had to develop the principles of drawing up these maps, the organization of geological survey works in the country. The first geological map of the entire territory of the USSR was issued for the XVII session of the International Geological Congress, held in 1937 in Moscow. From that time until 1983 13 geological maps of the USSR were edited by Nalivkin. 
A map of 1: 2 500 000 scale, released in 1956, was particularly successful. For the first time, there were no “white spots”: coal-bearing strata were deposited, continental sediments were distinguished, the composition and age of igneous rocks, as well as the depth of the basement in platform areas. The map summed up the many years of work of hundreds of geologists, designers and cartographers. She was awarded the "Grand Prix" at the World Exhibition in Brussels in 1958, and in 1957 the Nalivkin was awarded the Lenin Prize for this card. The success of the maps, edited by Nalivkin, contributed to his deep understanding of the cartographic art and fine artistic taste. 
The explanatory note to this map was the prologue and the basis of the monograph "Geology of the USSR", published in 1962. 
His theoretical studies Nalivkin usually aimed at practical output, and, conversely, the need for raw materials stimulated them to set new scientific problems. Thus, the refinement of the stratigraphic dismemberment of the Devonian system led to recommendations on the search for oil in the Ukhta region (Komi ASSR), and the country's urgent need for aluminum prompted a study of the conditions for the formation of bauxite and their search in the Urals. For a significant increase in aluminum ore reserves, Nalivkin, along with other geologists, was awarded the Stalin Prize of 1 degree in 1946. 
In 1965 at the All-Union Conference of Geologists, in his speech he warned about the exhaustion of oil resources of the exploited oil and gas provinces and outlined new promising areas, including the Absheron threshold.


Memorial plaque. Petersburg embankment Kryukov Canal, house 6

Memorial plaque. Petersburg, V.O. 21 line, house 2 Mining Academy


In the early 1960s  Nalivkin became interested in an unusual question for geologists - the effect of wind on geological processes. For four years he studied the literature on meteorology, collected data on hurricanes, storms and tornadoes and found that these catastrophic phenomena leave a noticeable trace in the geological record. For example, tornadoes, moving over reservoirs, are capable of drawing water into themselves along with living organisms and carrying them over long distances. If from such a cloud rain falls over land, then sea animals may be among the continental sedimentary rocks. Geologists, having found lithified remains of marine animals in continental sedimentary rocks, with good reason will consider these rocks as marine sediments. Another example is associated with strong storms at sea. If the storms recur frequently, the waves of the surf intensively destroy the coast, and the sea gradually comes on the land. Geologists, studying sedimentary rocks, may find that a transgression has occurred and land has plunged into the sea. In his book “Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes”, published in 1969, Nalivkin described many unusual cases when the wind bore people, animals, twisted the bell tower, destroyed the walls of houses, leaving untouched things in the house. The book was the first professional collection of cases of extreme winds and tornadoes. 
Scientific and organizational activities Nalivkina marked by state awards. He was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor, was awarded four Orders of Lenin, three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the October Revolution and the Order of Friendship of Peoples. He was awarded gold medals named N.M. 
Przhevalsky and A.P. Karpinsky medal named after Leopold von Buch (Germany), a medal named after Academician Fourmark (Belgium) and a medal named Frantisek Poshenny (Czechoslovakia). Many species of fossil animals and three plant species, geographical and geological objects are named after Nalivkin. Two research vessels are named after him: "Geologist Dmitry Nalivkin" studies the polar seas and the Atlantic Ocean, "Akademik Nalivkin" searches for oil deposits in the Caspian Sea. 
He died in Leningrad, was buried in the village of Komarovo, Leningrad Region. 
Cape on the west coast of the north island of Novaya Zemlya, northeast of Russkaya Gavan Bay. Named  by I.F. 
Pustovalov in 1933.


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