Nelidov Vasily Stepanovich

Russian military sailor.

In 1809 he entered the Marine Corps as a cadet, became a midshipman only in 1819, in 1822 promoted to midshipman.

In 1823 and 1824 served at the port of Arkhangelsk, all subsequent years - in the Baltic Fleet.

During the years 1828-1832  Nelidov in the rank of lieutenant commanded the schooner No. 1, which produced the inventory of the White Sea.

In 1837 and 1838  already in the rank of capitan-lieutenant commanded the schooner "Snow" in the inventory of the Finnish skerries.

All subsequent years until his retirement in 1847 with the rank of captain 2nd rank Nelidov commanded various ships of the Baltic Fleet.

The merits of Nelidov were awarded the orders of St.Stanislav of 3 degrees and St.Anna of 3 degrees.

An island in Reineke Bay off the southern coast of the southern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named  in 1833 by P.K. Pakhtusov.


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