Zavaritsky Alexander Nikolaevich

(02(14).03.1884 - 23.07.1952)


Soviet scientist in the field of geology and petrography, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the founder of a new branch of the science of rocks - petrochemistry. Winner of the Lenin Prize.

Born in Ufa, Since 1890 he studied at the Ufa male government gymnasium. In 1902 he graduated from high school with a gold medal and entered the geological department of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute. He studied at the institute for 7 years, since it was closed in 1905 for the period of the revolutionary events. Already at the institute Zavaritsky began research work. His first article is “Some of the rock samples of graphite deposits belonging to the mineralogical collection of the Mining Museum”, the thesis was devoted to the platinum-bearing arrays of the Middle Urals.

After graduation, Zavaritsky was left an assistant at the department of ore deposits, headed by K.I. Bogdanovich. In 1921 he received the title of professor at the department of ore deposits.

In the years 1911-1912, Zavaritsky was engaged in research of the Magnetic Mountain deposit and led the exploration of mineral resources.The results of the work were set forth in the articles “On the Study of the mountain of Magnitnaya in 1911” and “On the Stocks of Iron Ores on Mount Magnitnaya”. In 1913 he was elected an adjunct geologist, and in 1915 a geologist of the Geological Committee (Geolcom).

In 1915-1935 Zavaritsky worked in the Geological Committee (All-Union Geological Institute). From 1939 to 1941 - Director of the Institute of Geological Sciences, USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1944 he created the Laboratory of Volcanology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and became its director. Since 1946 - Academician-Secretary of the Department of Geological and Geographical Sciences, USSR Academy of Sciences.

Zavaritsky is the author of a number of fundamental studies on regional and theoretical petrography, the study of ore deposits and volcanism in various areas of the former Soviet Union, the author of several textbooks on applied and theoretical petrography, in 1956-1963 in Moscow, the four volumes of his works were published.

Scientific achievements Zavaritsky marked two Stalin (1943, 1946) and Lenin (1958, posthumously) prizes.

He died in Moscow, buried in the Novodevichy cemetery.

The rocks in the south of. Gallia archipelago Franz-Josef Land. Named by cartographers in 1953.


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