Feoktistov Konstantin Petrovich 

Soviet cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union (medal No. 11228). 
Born in the city of Voronezh in the family of an employee. In July 1942, he volunteered for the front, served as a scout for the headquarters of the Voronezh Front. In the same year he fell into the hands of the "SS", was shot, but survived by a miracle. 
In 1943, he graduated with honors from 10 classes in the city of Kokand, Fergana region, and in 1949 - the faculty of thermal and hydraulic machines of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after NE Bauman. After defending his graduation project, Feoktistov was assigned to one of the factories in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk Region, where he moved from an engineer to a design bureau to acting head designer of the design bureau. From here he went on an internship to the future chief designer of the Soviet spacecraft S.P. Queen and entered the graduate school of the Jet Institute, after which in 1955 he defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. 
Since 1955, Feoktistov worked at OKB-1 (now NPO Energia) under the leadership of S.P. Korolev, participated in the development of the first artificial Earth satellite. After the formation of the cosmonaut corps, he, being the head of the OKB-1 department, taught at the Cosmonaut Training Center, gave the first cosmonauts a course of lectures on the construction of the Vostok spacecraft. 
Since 1964, Feoktistov - in the detachment of Soviet cosmonauts. As part of the "group of civilian specialists No. 1", he completed a full course of general space training. 
October 12-13, 1964 its “finest” hour has come. As a research assistant-cosmonaut together with the commander of the spacecraft V.M. Komarov and cosmonaut B. B. Egorov on the multi-seat spacecraft "Voskhod",  made an orbital space flight around the Earth (for the first time - without spacesuits). The flight duration was 1 day 17 minutes 3 seconds. In this first flight of a spacecraft with a crew of three, a soft landing of the ship to Earth was first worked out. The research program, calculated for one day of the flight, was carried out completely, valuable material was obtained about the flight of the crew, consisting of cosmonauts of various specialties. Feoktistov's duties included the study of the optical characteristics of the atmospheric boundary, the testing of new instruments of the on-board equipment guidance, control and monitoring system. 
In subsequent years, Feoktistov continued to work in the OKB-1, was the leading designer of the ships ZKA, ZKD and 11F615, participated in the design developments of the lunar ships 11F93 and 11F94. In 1967 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Until 1990, he continued to work on new QC in OKB-1.
Feoktistov was the leading developer of the Soyuz, Soyuz-T, Soyuz-TM, Progress, Progress-M type ships, the Salyut and Mir long-term orbital stations. 
After retiring from the cosmonaut corps since October 1987, Feoktistov continued to work as deputy general designer of the NPO Energia, combining research and production activities with teaching at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. He is the author of many scientific papers and books on the history of astronautics. He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers and 20 inventions. 
In addition to the Star of Hero and the Order of Lenin, Feoktistov was awarded two Orders of the Patriotic War, I Degree (1965, 1975), two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1957, 1961), the Order "Badge of Honor" (1974), the medal "For Victory over Germany" (1946 ), the medal "For the development of virgin lands" (1964), the medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of Labor DRV (1964). He is a laureate of Leninist (1966) and State Prize (1976) USSR. 
He died in Moscow, buried at the Troyekurovsky cemetery. 
Cape in the north of the Yenisei Bay. 
Named by Dixons (at the suggestion of AG Divints) in 1964.


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