Fomenko Daniil Stepanovich
Arctic magnetologist.
Born in the village of Nizhnyaya Syrovatka, Sumy County,
Kharkov Province, in a peasant family. By 11 years he
graduated from the three classes of the Zemstvo school, but
then, despite the desire and abilities, he had to stop his
studies in order to help his father with the housework. The
ensuing wars, revolution, death of the mother finally
shattered their poor economy. Fomenko did not even have the
opportunity to pass exams for the fourth grade, although he
was ready for this thanks to self-education. A new marriage
of a father to a young woman with two children led to
frequent quarrels with her son, who stood up for his
The chairman of the county committee was assisted by a
Bolshevik Popov, who, having learned about the guy’s
abilities and the reasons for family quarrels, gave him a
job placement in the Sumy county committee of the poor. Then
Fomenko graduated from the courses of liquidators of
illiteracy in Kharkov and was assigned to the workers'
faculty of the Kharkov Agricultural Institute. After his
successful graduation from the board of workers' faculty of
the capable young man, he was seconded to the Physics and
Mathematics Faculty of Kharkov University, which he
graduated in 1929.
Before Fomenko opened a wide field for scientific work, to
which he had a clear inclination. Becoming a graduate
student at the geophysical department of the Kharkiv
Astronomical Observatory, he improved on issues of
terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity at the
Slutsk Magnetic Observatory, received an invitation to the
Nikopol Magnetometric Party of Geolkom as a producer of
works. In November 1929, on the recommendation of the Main
Physical Observatory in Leningrad, he was appointed head of
the Irkutsk Magnetometric Observatory, where he worked until
May 1932.
In the next two years, Fomenko was the head of the
expedition of the Main Physical Observatory, which carried
out a magnetic survey of the territory of the USSR, and in
1934 moved to the system of the Main Investigation
He has magnetic surveys on the Yakutsk-Tiksi airline,
supervising the Yakutsk Magnetic Observatory, surveys on
Amga, Aldan and Lena. In the navigation of 1937 in the
expedition on the icebreaker
"G. Sedov”
Fomenko determined 29 magnetic points and made 11
definitions of the magnetic inclination; during wintering
during the historical drift in the ice of the Laptev Sea, he
determined 35 magnetic points in the magnetic laboratory
created by him. The work took place in difficult conditions
with the risk to life. Once in December in a blizzard
Fomenko fell into a crack, miraculously got out, losing his
boot. Frost instantly turned clothes into an ice shell,
fortunately, his scream was heard by the watch of the watch.
Fomenko’s life was tragically interrupted. He died along
with the entire crew and members of the expedition Ya.K.
Smirnitsky on the icebreaker
"Malygin" in the raging sea near the eastern shores of Kamchatka.
Cape southeast entrance to the Malygintsy Bay in the south
of the Kotelniy island of the Novosibirsk Islands
archipelago. The name was given in 1942 with the office
processing of materials from a topographical survey of 1940,
carried out by an expedition on the "Malygin" icebreaker