Khromtsov Nikolay Ivanovich 

Outstanding Soviet ice captain. 
Born in the family of the lighthouse keeper on the White Sea. His father died in 1913, rescuing sailors who sank near the lighthouse. 
At the age of 11 Khromtsov began sailing first as a cabin boy, and from the age of 14 he became a sailor on the sailboat of shipowner F. Ladkina. In 1921, he entered as a sailor on the icebreaker steamer “Rusanov”, who made the first trip abroad after the civil war, and in 1923 took part in the Kara expedition of goods exchange. 
During military service in the Baltic Fleet in 1924-1929. Khromtsov graduated from the diving school and the evening navigation department of the Leningrad Marine Technical School. Demobilizing and returning to Arkhangelsk, he was appointed senior assistant to the captain of the icebreaker “A. Sibiryakov”, and then the icebreaking steamer “Rusanov”, on which he sailed to Severnaya Zemlya and Cape Chelyuskin. In the summer of 1933, the Rusanov brought the first group of wintering industrialists headed by the famous S.P.Zhuravlev to Maria Pronchishcheva Bay. In December of the same year after the sudden death aboard "Rusanov" his captain  B.I. Erokhin Khromtsov became the captain of this vessel. 
In 1936, Khromtsov received his diploma as a sea captain and was appointed captain of the icebreaker steamer Sadko. In this position he participated in the Second and Third High-latitude expeditions of the Main Sea Route under the guidance of R.L. Samoylovich. As part of the Third Expedition in 1937, Sadko crossed the Laptev Sea from west to east at 76th latitude, rounded the Novosibirsk islands from the north and reached the De Long islands, where the expedition conducted scientific research. Soviet flags were hoisted over the islands of Henrietta and Jeannette, and a polar station was set up on the island of Henrietta. After that, the vessel went to the rescue of vessels caught in ice captivity, but in October it turned out to be trapped in ice. 
Only in August 1938 "Sadko" and "Malygin" were released by the icebreaker "Yermak".


"Sadko" at the island of Henrietta

In 1939, Khromtsov became the captain of the icebreaker "Dezhnev", where he worked until the start of the war, engaged in the Arctic transport and hunting industry. 
On the very first day of the war, Khromtsov headed the icebreaker Lenin. Under his leadership, the icebreaker was engaged in escorting Soviet and foreign ships with weapons, strategic raw materials, food for the army, working both in the western sector of the Arctic and along the entire Northern Sea Route.

Awarded the Order "Badge of Honor", the medal "For Labor Valor". 
Nikolai Ivanovich Khromtsov died unexpectedly in the prime of physical and creative forces at his fighting post - aboard the Lenin icebreaker. Death is not so rare for polar captains. He is buried in the Vologda cemetery of Arkhangelsk.


Icebreaker "Lenin"


Cape in the west of the island Georg Land Archipelago Franz Josef Land. Named by Soviet cartographers in the 1950s. 
The ice dome on the island of Harley archipelago Franz Josef Land. The name was given by the decision of the Arkhangelsk Regional Executive Committee of August 26, 1963.


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