Newton Alfred




English zoologist and ornithologist.

Born in a castle near Geneva, when his family returned home to England, Cambridgeshire, from a trip to Italy. At the age of 5-6 years, hurt his leg and remained lame for life.

In 1844 he went to Mr. Walker 's school in the small village of Stetchworth next to Newmarket. Already at a young age he became interested in ornithology.

Newton studied at the University of Cambridge College, where in 1853 he received a bachelor's degree, and then a master's degree.

In 1854 he undertook several trips to many regions of the earth, such as Lapland, Iceland, Spitsbergen, the Caribbean Islands and North America, on the instructions of the college. In 1866 he became the first professor of zoology and comparative anatomy at Cambridge.

In 1858  Newton was one of the founders of the British Union of Ornithologists . He wrote many books, including Zoology of Ancient Europe (1862),Ootheca Wolleyana (started in 1864), Zoology (1872) and A Dictionary of Birds (1893-1896). He also wrote many articles for scientific societies and was the publisher of the magazine Ibis (in 1865–1870), Zoological Record (1870–1872), and Yarrell's British Birds (1871–1882).

Newton was engaged for some time studying the extinct species of birds from the Mascarene Islands, which his brother Sir Edward Newton sent him. Among them are theDodo and the Rodriguez dront (Pezophaps solitaria). In 1872 he was the first to describe the Rodriguez parrot (Psittacula exsul), which died out around 1875.

His achievements in ornithology and zoogeography were recognized by the Royal Society, in 1900 awarded him with the Royal Medal . In the same year he received amedal London Linneevsky society.

Newton's interest in extinct bird species led him to work on the protection of birds. He played an important role in the struggle for the adoption of the Law on the Protection of Seabirds.

He died in 1907 in Cambridge. Buried in the Ascension Parish Burial Ground Cemetery.

An island in the south of the  Franz-Josef Land archipelago. Described in 1880 by the expedition B. Lee-Smith.

Bay in the south of the Land of Olaf V,  West Svalbard Island. The coordinates are 78° 40'  20° 30'E.


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