Obruchev Sergey Vladimirovich 
(22.01.(03.02).1891  29.08.1965)

Soviet geologist, geographer, outstanding traveler, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, son of V.A. Obruchev. 
Born in Irkutsk, in 1902, the family moved to Tomsk, where Obruchev graduated from a real school. From an early age he participated in geological expeditions led by his father: in 1905 in the Frontier Dzungaria, 1906 - in the Semirechye, 1909 - in the Semipalatinsk province. There were no doubts about the choice of profession - in 1910, Obruchev entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University, which he successfully completed in five years. 
He worked consistently in the Geological Committee (1917–1929), in the Yakut Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929–1932), in the
All-Union Arctic Institute (1932–1941), in the Institute of Geological Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1941–1950). Obruchev's last place of work was the Precambrian Geology Laboratory of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which he headed in 1963. 
The main works of Obruchev are related to the study of the geology and geomorphology of Eastern Siberia and the North-East of the USSR. 
In 1917–1924 he conducted geological studies on the Central Siberian Plateau, largely contributing to the discovery of the Tunguska coal basin; in 1926–1935 explored the basins of Indigirka and Kolyma, establishing their gold content. Obruchev first proposed to combine the mountain structures of the middle course of Indigirka and Kolyma called the Chersky Range and developed a tectonics scheme for Northeast Asia. In 1937-1954 
He studied Eastern Sayan, Khamar-Daban and North-Eastern Tuva.


Moika embankment, house 82. S.V. Obruchev at the time of 1934

Obruchev is the author of a number of popular science books and articles, including “Into Uncharted Territories”, “Over the Mountains and Tundras of Chukotka”, “In the Heart of Asia”, “Mysterious Stories” and others, as well as the literary study “Over Lermontov's Notebooks”. He compiled the "Handbook of the traveler and local historian". 
In 1946, Obruchev was awarded the Stalin Prize of 1 degree for the discovery of tin deposits in the North-East of the USSR. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Labor Red Banner and the Badge of Honor, as well as medals. 
He died in Leningrad, was buried in the Serafimov cemetery. 
The peninsula in the south of the southern island of New Earth. Named in the 1930s by geologists of the All-Union Arctic Institute. 
Cape western entrance to Mack Bay on the west coast of the northern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named by geological expedition of the All-Union Arctic Institute  in 1933.


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