Ogloblinsky Nikolay Nikolaevich
hydrograph surveyor, lieutenant general for admiralty.
In 1888 he graduated from the hydrographic department of the
Nikolaev Maritime Academy in St. Petersburg. He
worked on the problem of deviation, together with F.F. Reediger
compiled the “Compass Deviation Guide”.
Since 1898 Ogloblinsky headed compass business at the GSU. Since
1904, he began his teaching activities, first at the Naval School of
Long-Sea Navigation named after Peter I, and then during 1905–1914 at
the hydrographic department of the Nikolaev Maritime Academy. Since
1910 he held the position of full professor of the Academy.
In 1913 Ogloblinsky was enlisted in the hydrographic corps,
became a major general, and later a lieutenant general. His
merits were awarded orders of St.
Anna, 2 degrees, St. Vladimir, 3 and 4 degrees, St.
Stanislav, 1 degree.
This unique document - the autograph of Nikolai Nikolaevich
Ogloblinsky was sent to me by Andrey Vladimirovich Khvalsky. He
sought him out in the archive of his uncle, Mikhail Stepanovich
Baadzhi, a naval sailor who served in the Pacific Fleet as navigator
of a ship connection, a specialist in deviation, during the war. After
the war, he graduated from the Academy of the General Staff. The
last years of his life spent in Pushkin, worked in a military
research institute.
Autograph N.N. Ogloblinsky |
Ogloblinsky died in Paris. He
was buried at the New Cemetery in Montmorency.
Cape on
the Peninsula De Kolong Laptev coast on Taimyr. Named
in 1900 by N.N. Kolomeitsev. |