Orlovsky Petr Vladimirovich 

Soviet economic worker, organizer of the Arctic expeditions. 
Born in Mariupol. The son of a simple baker, Orlovsky, from his youthful years, was forced to “go into people” and wander around the country in search of a living. Political "universities", he passed by the proletarians of the Sormovsky plant - participated in strikes, was a fighter of the food detachment. After the civil war, the party sent Orlovsky to work at the State Joint-Stock Company of Industry and Trade of the Northern Sea Route Committee. At the call of V.I. Lenin, he “learned to trade”, being an employee of the Soviet trade mission in London and the German-Russian transport joint-stock company Derutr in Hamburg, engaged in the organization and implementation of Kara operations. 
At the age of 33  Orlovsky became the head of the newly formed Hydrographic Department of Glavsevmorput. 
Having headed the Hydrographic Department, he did not become a cabinet official. Every summer, together with his subordinates, he went to the Arctic to take a personal part in studying and ensuring the safety of navigation along the Northern Sea Route. In 1934  Orlovsky headed Karskaya and the second Lena transport expedition. 
In 1936  Orlovsky led a hydrographic expedition on the icebreaker vessel "G. Sedov”, which opened seven new islands in the archipelago Nordenskiöld. The following year again on "G. Sedov” he passed from Arkhangelsk to the Laptev Sea. 
In the mid-1930s  the situation in the country began to heat up, ominous words about “enemies” and “alien elements”, merciless “class struggle” sounded. This was fully reflected in Glavsevmorput. His senior officials were among the first to be declared "pests on the highway", "saboteurs and spies" ... The peak of repression fell on 1937-1938. Due to the extremely difficult navigation in 1937, confusion and bungling on the route of the Northern Sea Route, over twenty transport ships and several icebreakers were wintering. 
It was impossible to carry out full-scale airborne air reconnaissance, as almost all the aircraft were thrown in search of the completely disappeared S.A. Levanevskiy. Due to the confusion of the coastal authorities, who often gave conflicting and always lagging orders to captains, time was lost. The vessels were forced to drift, the ice and currents inexorably carried them away to the Central Arctic. 
The reason was incompetence, leadership mistakes, objective difficulties, but the case was presented as sabotage. 
Orlovsky was tried along with the deputies N.I. Evgenov, P.K. Khmyznikov, E.S. Gernet. When he came out of prison, old friends helped him to return to his homeland to the warm Azov Sea. Here, in his native Mariupol, he headed the fisheries of the Lisichansk Metallurgical Combine under construction. But he was free to live for only a few months, his heart refused. Orlovsky was rehabilitated only ten years later in the period of the so-called “Khrushchev thaw”.
  On February 20, 1958, the Military Tribunal of the Moscow Military District acquitted him for lack of corpus delicti. 
Cape western entrance bay Peary on the island of George Land archipelago Franz Josef Land. The name was approved by the decision of the Arkhangelsk Regional Executive Committee of August 26, 1963 (Decision No. 651).


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