Ostroumov Aleksey Alekseevich 

Arctic hydrograph, honorary polar explorer. 
Born in the village of Tsibino, Korchevsky district, Tver province into a peasant family. Upon completion of 6 classes in 1925, he studied at the shoemaker, worked as a shoemaker and cutter in the industrial cooperative system. 
In 1934  Ostroumov graduated from the Frunze Higher Naval School and was sent to Ubekobalt in Kronstadt as a junior foreman-hydrograph, but a year later he was demobilized and went to work at the State Main Investigation Department. From that moment his active work began in the Arctic, which lasted until 1941. In 1935 he worked as a junior hydrograph and navigator on a hydrographic vessel in the Kara Sea, in 1936–1937. senior hydrograph and navigator on the hydrographic vessel "Temp", in 1937-1938  as a senior hydrograph in the drift of the icebreaker steamer "Sadko", in 1939 as a senior hydrograph on the icebreaking steamer "Malygin", performing a through-flight in one navigation from Arkhangelsk to Vladivostok, in 1940–1941. Senior Hydrograph and Navigator at the "Nord" Hydrographic Vessel. 
An important aspect of Ostroumov’s activity was teaching at hydrographic courses organized by the Department.Among his listenerswere A.I. Gaudis, A.P. Macedonskiy, I.I. Korchazhinsky, I.D. Sharonov, M.E. Shadrin and many others. 

During the last wintering period, Ostroumov fell ill with severe tuberculosis and was forced to move to a permanent job at the production office of the Department, while repeatedly traveling to the Arctic with inspections. 
Ostroumov's pen owns several navigational aids, published by the Hydrography of the
Glavsevmorput, and individual articles on hydrography. For many years he led the inventive-rationalization activities. 
The merits of Ostroumov were marked by the medals "For Valiant Labor during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" and "For Labor Valor". 
He died in Leningrad. 
Bank in the Yenisei Gulf of the Kara Sea. 
Named in 1980.


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