Palander Adolph Arnold
In the years 1869-1870 Palander served on the ship "Vanadis", sailing in the Mediterranean, was promoted to lieutenant and appointed captain of the mail ship "Polhem", which went during the winter of 1870-1871 from Gotland to Sweden, and then during the winter navigation period of 1871–1872, which provided a postal route through Öresund in harsh winter conditions. On the same ship in the years 1872-1873. In his capacity as captain, he participated in the Nordenskiöld winter expedition to Svalbard, where he showed exceptional courage and skill and made a significant contribution to scientific work. From the base camp at Mosselbey, Palander and nine other members of the expedition accompanied Nordenskiöld in an unsuccessful attempt to reach the North Pole in May-June 1873. Upon returning to Sweden, Palander demobilized and began to serve first as a captain on cargo ships sailing to England, and then on the ship of the line based in Gothenburg. In 1877 Palander returned to naval service. He received an offer to lead the ship “Vega” of the Nordenskiöld expedition, which planned to go through the Northeast Passage.The expedition was carried out in 1878-1879, ended successfully and became historical, immortalizing the names of its participants. Shortly before the end of the flight, Palander was made full captain. Upon his return to Sweden by King Oscar II, he was awarded title of honorary citizen and received the title "Palander af Vega". Parliament awarded him an annual pension of 4,000 SEK per year. In 1881-1883 Palander served as assistant adjutant to the director of the naval plant in Karlskrona, which his father once directed. In subsequent years, he headed the naval department during the war of 1886-1889, in 1889 he was promoted to the rank of "commander", in 1893 he was appointed head of the food service of the Swedish Royal Navy, in 1896 with the rank of rear admiral first assistant adjutant to the king, and in 1897 he became director of the naval plant in Karlskrona. During 1901-1905 Palander was a member of the cabinet and left it with all the ministers due to the political crisis associated with the collapse of the alliance between Norway and Sweden. After that, he continued service in the navy in the rank of vice-admiral.
Died at Dyursholm Sweden. He
was buried in Dyursholm
cemetery near the
chapel. Mountain on the island of West Svalbard. An island in the Waigat group in the southwestern part of the Hinlopen Strait, Svalbard. The valley between the glaciers of Palander and Holten to the south of the bay of Palander, on the Land of Gustav Adolf in the southern part of the island of Northeastern Land, Spitsbergen. The ice shield, covering the Land of Gustav Adolf in the southern part of the island of Northeastern Land, Spitsbergen. Glacier on the southeast coast of Palander Bay, North-Eastern Earth Islands, Spitsbergen.
Bay north
of Cape Kit on the northern coast of Taimyr. Named
in 1893 by F.
Nansen. |