Pedashenko Alexey Dmitrievich

 (05.11.1870 – 1905)


Russian astronomer-surveyor.

Born in St. Petersburg in a noble family.

In 1894 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University with a degree of 1 degree.

September 18, 1895 began serving as an astronomer at the Main Astronomical Observatory.

In 1899 he was sent for four months to the Russian-Swedish expedition of "degree measurement" on Svalbard. He worked in it and the subsequent summer field seasons of 1900 and 1901, conducting astronomical, geodesic and topographical observations.

At the end of the expedition in 1902 Pedashenko, like all Russian participants, was awarded the Order of St. Anna of 3 degrees and a memorable breastplate.

In the same year for six months  he participated in an expedition organized by the Marine Department of the Siberian Road Committee to investigate the route from Vitim to Upper Angara, where he identified several astronomical sites.

At the end of 1902  Pedashenko was appointed the calculator of the Main Astronomical Observatory, and in 1903 he was transferred to the post of curator of the observatory at St. Petersburg University.

In 1904 in connection with the outbreak of the Russian-Japanese war, as a reserve ensign, he was called up for military service in the Baltic region.

As stated in his personal file, "during 7 years of his stay at the Pulkovo Observatory, Pedashenko showed excellent knowledge, ability and hard work in all scientific works".

On May 30, 1902 Pedashenko was approved to the rank of collegiate secretary, and in 1905 - the Out-of-Court Counselor.

He died from fleeting discharge.

An island among the Litke islands in the Nordenscheld archipelago, Kara Sea. Called in 1901 the Russian Polar Expedition.

Glacier (Alexei) with a length of 7 km in the northwestern part of the Earth Ulaf V, the island of Western Spitsbergen. The coordinates are 78° 58.8'N   18° 06.0'E.

Glacier in the extreme southeastern part of the Land Ulaf V, the island of Western Spitsbergen. The coordinates are 78° 42'N   2 00'E.


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