Petersen Oscar Vladimirovich 

Famous Russian dermatologist, public figure. 
He graduated from the medical faculty of Derpt (now Tartu) University, attended lectures abroad on surgery and skin diseases. In 1874 he defended his thesis for the degree of doctor of medicine in Dorpat. 
In 1877–1878 as a doctor of the evangelical field hospital, Petersen worked in Sistovo in Bulgaria, from 1886 he taught a course of skin and venereal diseases at the Eleninsky Clinical Institute, since 1892 with the rank of honorary professor. From 1899 he was an associate professor and head of a skin clinic at the Suvorov College at a clinical hospital. 
Petersen owns more than 75 scientific papers, among them on the distribution of leprosy in Russia. He is one of the founders of the Society for the Fight against Leprosy in the St. Petersburg Province, one of the initiators of the organization in 1895, a colony for patients with leprosy Steep Brooks near St. Petersburg. 
Petersen was the vice-chairman of the Russian Syphilidological Society, founded in 1889 the St. Petersburg Medical Association of Mutual Assistance. 
The island is among the islands of the Pakhtusov archipelago of Nordenskiöld in the Kara Sea. Named in 1901 by the Russian Polar Expedition.


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