Peabody  George 

American merchant, financier, philanthropist, philanthropist. 
Born in the city of Denver (since 1868, Peabody), Essex County, Massachusetts, in a family of poor but respected parents. His ancestors were English colonists who emigrated to New England in the first half of the seventeenth century. After graduating from the Denver School, Peabody worked as a grocer's assistant for four years, then spent one year with his grandfather in Vermont. At the age of 16, he and his brother David began trading in manufactory in Newburyport. After the fire destroyed his warehouse, Peabody served for two years with his uncle John, an industrialist in Georgetown near Washington. When the war began with England in 1812, Peabody volunteered for the army. After the war, he again began to engage in trade in manufacturing in partnership with Elisha Riggs: Riggs provided capital, and Peabody traveled on horseback through Maryland, Virginia, New York and Pennsylvania as a traveling salesman, gaining vast experience in the business that had become his life's business. 
In 1815 companions moved their company to Baltimore with branches in Philadelphia and New York. In 1830  Riggs resigned, and Peabody became the head of an extensive and flourishing enterprise.
He persistently rejected all invitations to political and municipal activities, but his opinion and advice were very weighty and respected. 
In 1843 Peabody moved to London, where he founded a new company known as "George Peabody and Company". In 1848, he was one of three commissioners who assisted the state of Maryland in overcoming financial difficulties. Peabody flourished and rejected all offers to compensate him for financial losses. By the middle of the XIX century, he was the owner of one of the largest states in the world. 
In 1851 Peabody provided financial support to the United States at the World Expo, in 1853 he helped Henry Grinnell organize E. Cane's expedition to search for J. Franklin, and in the same year allocated 100 thousand dollars to organize a library and pedagogical institute in his hometown of Denver. . After visiting the United States after a long absence in 1857  Peabody donated 200 thousand dollars to organize a library and the Institute of Art and Science in Baltimore. At the expense of its funds, the Peabody Institute in Peabody ($ 250,000), the Peabody Institute in Baltimore ($ 1.5 million), and museums named after Yale and Harvard Universities were also created.His last and largest donation was 3.5 million dollars for the development of education in the southern states. 
Peabody was an extremely influential and respected man in both England and the United States. Having no family, he spent a lot of money on the support of his relatives: he allocated 2 million dollars to them, in memory of his mother he built a church. 
In early 1869 his health began to deteriorate. Peabody returned to England with the intention of spending the coming winter in the south of France, but did not live to see his wish come true. 
In a testament opened on the day of the funeral, Peabody allocated 150,000 pounds sterling to the Peabody Foundation, 500,000 pounds sterling for housing for the families of London workers.

Four months before Peabody’s death, a bronze bust was installed near the Royal Exchange.

He died in London.


Westminster Abbey


The funeral ceremony took place in Westminster Abbey (Westminster Abbey), and his body was transported home on the largest ship of the English navy, the battleship HMS "Monarch". He was buried in the Harmony Grove cemetery in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. 
Some merchants have accumulated more wealth than Peabody, but its hallmark was the desire to spend most of its wealth on noble charitable purposes. 
In 1900 the portrait of Peabody was placed in the National Gallery of Fame. 
Bay on the west coast of Greenland in the Cane Basin. Named   by  E. Cane in 1855. 
Cove in the Peabody Bay. Named by E. Kane in 1855.


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