Pim Bedford 

English admiral, arctic explorer. 
Born in Bideford, Devonshire. His father, a lieutenant of the Navy, died in 1830 of yellow fever in Africa, where he served on a ship that participated in the suppression of the slave trade. 
Pim was educated at the Royal Naval School in New Crosse and began serving in the navy in 1842. During 1845–1849 He served on the ship "Herald" under the command of G. Kellett, participated in his voyage to the north-west from Alaska, which ended with the long-awaited discovery of Wrangel Island. In 1849 he was transferred under the command of Commodore Moore to the brig "Plover", on which he spent the winter in the hall. Kotzebue in Alaska. During the wintering in March, Pim made a walk to the village of Mikhailovskoye in search of information about the expedition of J. Franklin. 
Pim returned to England in 1851, and a year later he was given the rank of lieutenant. 
During this period, he was seized by the idea that Franklin should be sought from the Siberian shores. It was based on the ideas prevailing at that time about the existence of an ice-free sea at high latitudes. Pim took an indefinite vacation, received a cash grant from Lord Russell and recommendations from the Admiralty and went to St. Petersburg to secure the assistance of the Russian government in organizing a search expedition along the Arctic coast of Northeast Asia. However, the Russian government refused to help him. 
Pim’s next Arctic enterprise was in 1852-1854. in the search expedition of E. Belcher. He was part of the command of the ship "Resolute (Resolute)", the captain of which was his old commander G. Kellett. 
"Resolute" in early September 1852  safely reached Melville Island, however, because of the wide fast ice, was unable to approach the coast and got up for wintering in the bay of one of the small islands seven to eight miles from the coast. Kellett-organized sleigh batches set about laying food depots for subsequent exploratory campaigns. In addition to the successful solution of this problem, they brought interesting and important finds. Lieutenant Swords at the wintering site of W. Parry in 1819 - 1820 found the document left here by F. McClintock a year earlier. However, the most important thing turned out to be that, next to this document, he, to his great joy, found a note from the long-sought R. McClure, which he left in the spring of that year. In a note, McClure reported on the progress of his expedition and, of course, on the opening of the Northwest Passage. Having learned that the McClur's “Investigator” vessel is already in its winter for the third time in ice captivity in the Bay of Mercy in the north of Banks Island, Kellett was ready to send a rescue team to him immediately, but unfortunately this was impossible due to the coming dark time. As soon as the light days began, a squad of ten men headed by Lieutenant Pim headed for the McClure. On April 6, they reached the Bay of Mercy, where the Explorer spent the winter, and, as it turned out, very on time. It turned out that in nine days a significant part of the crew would have gone part east to the northeast tip of  Somerset Island, where was the food warehouse, and partly to the mouth of the Mackenzie River. People were weakened by three winters and probably would have gone to meet inevitable death. 
The very next day, nine people, led by McClure, went to Kellett’s wintering place and reached it in twelve days. The joy of the meeting was indescribable and was darkened only by the fact that neither of the expeditions found traces of Franklin. 
In 1854 Pim was given command of a gunboat operating in the Baltic Sea. In 1855 he was wounded during an attack on Sveaborg, for participation in which he was awarded a medal. 
In subsequent years  Pim participated in the Chinese War, was wounded again, then served in Central and South America, made a hike through Nicaragua and sailed to the Cape of Good Hope. During his service in America, he bought a bay on the Atlantic coast, for which he was sharply condemned by the lords of the Admiralty. 
In 1862  Pim retired from active service, but remained on the Navy lists. He made three hiking trips through Nicaragua, was engaged, without success, in commercial activities. 
In 1870 he was interested in jurisprudence. He studied at the famous corporations of lawyers Inner Temple and Gray's Inn, in the latter he began serving as a lawyer in 1873 Pym practiced almost exclusively on maritime issues, and soon his name became widely known among sailors. 
Pim conducted a wide public activity, was a member of parliament, collaborated with the Institute of Civil Engineers, attended the first council of the Anthropological Institute. In 1885 he retired with the rank of Rear Admiral. 
He died in Dile. In 1888  a brass plaque was installed in his honor on the western wall of the Bristol Maritime Institute church in England and the USA by pilots. 
An island in the Smith Strait between Ellesmere Island and Greenland.


Pim Island

(Photo from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pim_Island)

A peninsula in the southwest of Cameron Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

Cape to the west of Cameron Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

A valley in the north of the island of Banks in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.


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