Radzeevsky Victor Alexandrovich 

Arctic captain and hydrograph, honorary polar explorer. 
Born in the city of Chardzhui (Chardzhou). His father was the captain of the steamer cruising along the Amu-Darya. Up to two years, the boy was raised by his stepfather, who gave him his last name, and then one mother was engaged in raising and maintaining his son. In the 1920s, together with his sick mother, Radzeevsky moved to Sevastopol. Due to his great need, at the age of 14 he was forced to stop his studies and went to work in Ubekochernaz junior at the "Lotsman" vessel. A year later, he transferred to
hydrographic vessel "First of May" as a cabin boy, sailor, electrician. 
In 1928 Radzeevsky arrived in Leningrad, entered the Marine Technical School, which he graduated in 1931. First, he was sailing on the steamer "Suchan" as the assistant captain, third, second and senior assistant. In 1932 he participated in it  in the Northeast polar expedition of the People's Commissariat for Water and overwintered in the Chaun Bay. 
After wintering  in 1933 Radzeevsky transferred to the ship "Sever", wintered again in the Chukchi Sea. In 1935  he graduated from advanced training courses for navigators and was appointed captain of the then famous
hydrographic vessel "Toros", assigned to the  GUSMP. 
In 1936  a boat crashed in Kolokolkovaya Bay of the Barents Sea when returning from shore to ship, in which there were five people from the Toros team and seven people from the surveyed party. When passing through the "breakers" formed in the shallows, the boat turned over the wave. One person died immediately, the others managed to put the boat on the keel and get into it. Help to them in time did not come, and people froze to death. Captain Radzeevsky and radio operator Semiglazov were arrested and put on trial. During the trial, it turned out that the radio operator had violated the instructions without informing the captain about the life of the boat and its delay. 
As a result, Radzeevsky was acquitted, and the radio operator was sentenced to four years in the camps.


Captain of "Toros" V.A. Radzeevsky. 1937

(photo from the Wittenburg family archive)

In 1938-1939 "Toros" under the command of Radzeevsky wintered in the southern part of the Nordensheld archipelago in the Kara Sea. Here he showed himself not only as one of the best ice captains, but also as a hydrograph. 
In 1940  for merits in the development of the Northern Sea Route, exemplary and dedicated work in navigation 1938-1939. Radzeevsky was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. 
1940 was a tragic year for Toros. September 14 stormy night went at full speed to the island Vilkitsky in the Kara Sea. When plotting the course, the captain did not take into account the possibility of being ahead or away from the calculation and did not take into account the malfunction of the lighthouse fire on the island. As a result, the ship went to the coastal stones. The icebreaking ship “G. Sedov" found the "Toros", flooded flush with the outboard water. There was no question of removing it from the ground. They took only part of the equipment and people. The captain was demoted to senior officer. 
With the beginning of the war, Radzeevsky volunteered for the front, served in the Baltic Fleet. He drove convoys and separate ships between Kronstadt and Lavensari, was appointed navigator on the most difficult and demanding tasks. In 1943 alone, Radzeevsky conducted 18 convoys and 11 separate ships between Kronstadt and Lavensari. Each wiring of ships under continuous bombardment of enemy batteries was a feat. For courage and dedication Radzeevsky was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree. 
On September 8, 1944  the minesweepers' division entered the combat mission. The flagship, on which was the captain-lieutenant Radzeevsky, hit a mine and sank along with the whole crew. 
Cape in the southwest of the island of Hohenlohe in the archipelago of Franz Josef Land. The name was suggested by polar hydrographs and approved by the Arkhangelsk Regional Executive Committee in 1963 (Decision No. 651). 
Strait between the islands of Chabak and Krasin in the Nordenskiöld archipelago in the Kara Sea. Named at the suggestion of V.A. Troitsky in 1970, by Dixon hydrographs. Approved by the decision of the Dikson regional executive committee of March 20, 1972.


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