Rumyantsev Pavel Ivanovich




Singer (baritone), director, honored artist of the RSFSR.

In 1918-1921 studied at the Moscow Conservatory. Since 1920 he has been a soloist with the Bolshoi Opera Studio, in 1926-1941 soloist and director of the Stanislavsky Opera House.

In 1930 Rumyantsev as a supply manager participated in an expedition on the icebreaker steamer “G. Sedov".

During the war Rumyantsev was the director of the Musical Theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, and after the war for two years - the director of the Sofia National Opera.

In 1947, Rumyantsev moved to Leningrad and worked as a director of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. Kirov. He staged opera performances in many cities of the Soviet Union and abroad.

Since 1951, Rumyantsev led the opera class at the Leningrad Conservatory.

The entrance cape of the Bay of Otkupchikov on the western coast of the northern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named in 1930, by expedition on the icebreaker steamer “G. Sedov".


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