Sakharov Nikolai Maksimovich (14.05.1876 - 12.06.1932)
Born in the Pomeranian family of Captain Maxim Ivanovich Sakharov in the town of Onega, Arkhangelsk Province. The Sakharov family had three children: Nikolay, Konstantin, Maria. From childhood, Sakharov, along with his father, went to sea on the Pomeranian sailing ships along Murman, he knew every cove of this coast. He studied at the Solombala parish school, then in 1894 he graduated from the Arkhangelsk skipper training courses, studied for a year at the Arkhangelsk Maritime School and received a diploma of a sea captain. He spoke Norwegian and English. Before being invited to the expedition of Sedov, Sakharov worked on various courts of the Arkhangelsk-Murmansk urgent shipping company as a sailor, navigator, second mate. In 1912, Sedov invited him as a navigator of the motor-sailing schooner "The Holy Martyr Foka" on an expedition to the North Pole, which lasted from August 13, 1912 to August 24, 1914. Since 1913, after sending to the mainland captain N.P. Zakharov, Sakharov became captain. In 1914, after the death of G.Ya. Sedov N.M. Sakharov brought the dilapidated ship "Foka" from the islands of Franz Joseph Land to Arkhangelsk. Property and commercial mining "Focka" were auctioned for pennies to cover the claim of one of the suppliers of the expedition. After the expedition, Sedov Sakharov worked as the third and second assistant captain, senior assistant, captain on various Arctic ships, in 1920-1921 he participated in two Kara expeditions, which are popularly called “bread”. Hunger, crop failure, civil war forced the Soviet government to appeal to the Siberian regions for assistance and export of grain. In these expeditions Sakharov was the captain of the steamer Ilya (the first expedition) and the Yenisei (the second). The first expedition ended successfully, and for the shock work the captain was awarded the title “Hero of Labor of Water Transport”, he was given a nominal watch with the inscription “Hero of Labor”. In the second expedition, the heavy ice crushed an old steamer, and the Yenisei began to sink. And then came to the rescue ... icebreaking ship "George Sedov". The captain managed to transplant the team to him and left the ship last. For participation in the expedition of Sedov, captain N.M. Sakharov received a reward in the form of monetary compensation. This reward and money accumulated by his wife allowed the family to buy a two-story house in Arkhangelsk for themselves, children and grandchildren. He died in Arkhangelsk, buried in Ilyinsky cemetery. Northwest entrance cape Legzdin Bay. Named in 1913 by G.Ya. Sedov. |