Sergeev Ivan Semenovich 

Russian military hydrograph, head of the Arctic Ocean hydrographic expedition. 
Born in St. Petersburg in the family of a non-commissioned officer, he graduated from the Kronstadt Marine Technical School, which trained ship engineers and mechanics, as well as officers and navigators. 
By the time of his appointment to the post of Chief of the Arctic Ocean Hydrographic Expedition, Sergeyev had the rank of Colonel of the Naval Navigators Corps and extensive experience in hydrographic studies in the North. In the period 1898-1904. He was an assistant to the head of the expedition, which, under the leadership of A.I. Vilkitsky, A.I. Varnek and F.K. Drizhenko conducted an inventory of the coast from the Kola Peninsula to the Yenisei, led a separate survey of the Murmansk coast. In 1905, Sergeev led the Northern Maritime Expedition of the Ministry of Railways for the delivery of rails from Europe to Yeniseisk for the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, he was the author of the materials on the Kara Sea. 
In 1906, Sergeev was introduced as a permanent member of the commission of A.I. Vilkitsky, who was developing a project for hydrographic studies of the Arctic Ocean. In the past two years before being appointed head of the city of SLO, he worked as the head of a separate survey of the White Sea. 
In its first trip, which lasted 46 days, the Arctic Ocean Hydrographic Expedition left Vladivostok only at the end of August 1910. The delay was caused by the protracted repair of boilers and machinery after the transition from St. Petersburg. It was possible to get to this campaign only to Cape Dezhnev and to conduct an inventory of individual sections of the coast of the Bering Sea. 
In 1911, the exit took place almost a month earlier. The vessels passed with inventory and measurements from Cape Dezhnev to the mouth of the Kolyma. The shooting was based on nine astronomical sites. "Vaigach", in addition, passed with a hydrological incision from Cape Billings to Wrangel Island, determined an astronomical point there and made magnetic observations. An inventory was made of the west coast of the island and measured along the northern coast to Herald Island. On the southwestern tip of Wrangel Island, Cape Blossom, the Russian state flag was hoisted. During the voyage, meteorological and ice observations, biological and zoological samples were collected. 
According to the results of the voyage, a sea map of the Chukchi Sea was compiled at a scale of 1: 1,500,000, a flow chart and materials of the position were prepared.


"Taimyr"and "Vaigach" in the ice

(photo by LM. Starokadomsky ) (from the archive of the Russian Geographical Society)

In 1912, ships entered the sea at the end of May. Managed to reach the east coast of Taimyr. The expedition surveyed the Bear Islands, Stolbovoi Island, southern and western shores of the Big and Small Lyakhovsky islands, coastal sections near the capes of St. Nose and Buor-Khaya, Tiksi Bay. Having met with impassable ice off the coast of Taimyr, the expedition turned back. The cautious experienced Sergeev feared wintering. 
The voyage of 1913 was the last for Sergeev. At the very beginning of the campaign, still in the Bering Sea, he was struck by a stroke. On the Vaigach he was taken to the nearest village, and from there a steamer to Vladivostok.Formally, he remained the leader of the expedition until the end of its operation, i.e. until 1915.

Awarded orders of St. Vladimir 3 and 4 degrees. 
Peninsula in the north-west of the island Vaigach. The name was given in 1902 by the hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean under the leadership of A.I. Varnek. 
Cape on the coast of Siberia to the west of the Bear Islands. Called by Hidrographic expedition of Arctic ocean in 1912.


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