Sluchevsky Konstantin Konstantinovich

Famous poet and prose writer.
Born in St. Petersburg in a noble family. In 1855 he graduated from the cadet corps, served in the Semenov regiment, then entered the Academy of the General Staff.
The first verses of Sluchevsky, marked with the initials “KS”, and translations from V. Hugo, O. Barbier and J.G. Byron's were published in the journal Responsible Gazette in 1857, a series of poems published by the magazine Illustration. The talent of Sluchevsky was highly appreciated by A. Grigoriev and I.S. Turgenev, with whose assistance in 1860 appeared his publications in Sovremennik and Otechestvennye Zapiski. Grigoriev in Son of the Fatherland did not hesitate to put Sluchevsky next to M. Lermontov and above A. Fet, Y. Polonsky, V. Maikov and F. Tyutchev. The comparisons were insightful, but the undeserved and excessive praises were taken by the authors of the extremely left satirical weekly "Iskra", the parody poets D. Minaev and N. Loman, who ridiculed the “cemetery” pathos of the new genius. They were joined by N. Dobrolyubov, who called him “the genius of common places” and also published a murderous parody of verses by Sluchevsky. Fatally offended, Sluchevsky stopped printing, left military service and went abroad.
He studied in Paris, Berlin and Heidelberg, where in 1865 he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Returning to Russia, the first thing he paid back to his persecutors was Democrats, publishing in 1866–1867. three pamphlets, sarcastically denouncing N. Chernyshevsky and D. Pisarev. This created him a new, odious reputation that hindered the promotion of the literary field, but helped make a career in the Ministry of the Interior and the department of state assets. In 1891–1902 Sluchevsky - the editor-in-chief of the Government Gazette, at the end of his life the Privy Councilor, the chamberlain, a member of the council of the Main Department of Press Affairs.
Sluchevsky returned to the poetic field only in 1871. Sluchevsky's poetry always caused a wide division of opinions: admirers valued him very highly, calling him the “king” of Russian poetry, dedicated books to him, but much of journalism treated him coldly, and sometimes mockingly. With the award in 1899 Pushkin Prizes N.A. Kotlyarevsky, to whom the Academy of Sciences commissioned an analysis of Sluchevsky’s poems, called for the award of the 1st category to the venerable poet — the full prize, but decided to limit the majority of votes to an honorary comment. The unevenness of the poetic merits of his poems quite corresponds to the different attitudes of criticism towards Sluchevsky.
Sluchevsky was a member of the Imperial Russian Geographic Society, made several trips around Russia in the retinue of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich and described them in his writings “In the North of Russia. Journey of Their Imperial Highness the Great Prince. Vladimir Alexandrovich and the Great Prince. Maria Pavlovna" and "In the North-West of Russia".  
He died in St. Petersburg, buried in the Novodevichy cemetery. Marble slab with a metal cross.
Cape on the island of Rastorguev in the Taimyr Gulf of the Kara Sea. Initially, the cape in 1901 was named by E.V. Toll named A.V. Kolchak. The cape got its real name after the entire island of Rastorguev was named after Kolchak (until 1937) (reported by P.V. Wittenburg).

September 1, 2009, the staff of the Marine Arctic Complex Expedition (MAKE) of the Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage. D.S. Likhachev (Heritage Institute) and the Polar Research Foundation established a memorial sign at Cape Sluchevsky in honor of Alexander V. Kolchak (1874 - 1920), whose name was returned to the island in 2005.


Cape Sluchevsky

(Photo from



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