Storozhev Nikolai Mikhailovich (1907-?) Arctic Hydrologist. Born in the village of Verkhnyaya Mega of the Perm Territory (now the Sverdlovsk Region). In 1933 he graduated from the Leningrad State University and went to work at the Arctic Institute. In 1939 he entered the graduate school. Thesis defense was scheduled for September 1942. All plans were broken by the war. On August 20, 1941, Storozhev left for the militia and fought in a partisan detachment. Few of the militia returned home.
Surname Storozhev immortalized in St. Petersburg on a memorial plaque on the building of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Bering Street, 38. Cape to the west of Bruce Island in the archipelago of Franz Josef Land. Named by Soviet cartographers in the 1950s. |