Studnitsky Ippolit Vladimirovich

Lieutenant General Hydrograph Corps.
Born in the town of Shchigry, Kursk province. In 1878 he graduated from the Marine School. In the record of Studnitsky, in 1889, he participated in hydrographic work in the Matochkin Strait on the "Bakan" schooner, serving as a senior officer of the 2nd rank cruiser “Dzhigit”, commander of the port vessel “Moguchiy”, senior officer of the 1st rank cruiser “Prince Pozharsky”. During the years 1898-1901. Studnitsky served in the Far East as a senior assistant to the commander of the fortress Port Arthur (since 22.06.1898), a senior officer of the 1st rank cruiser "Rurik", where he participated in suppressing the Ihathean uprising in China.
In 1903, the return of the Studnitsky to the Arctic took place. He was appointed commander of the ship "Pakhtusov" and at the same time assistant chief of the Arctic Ocean hydrographic expedition A.I. Varnek.
Further service of the Studnitsky took place in the Baltic. He commanded military and training ships, a detachment of mine ships of the Baltic Sea. During the years 1909-1916. He was chairman of the Commission for the Review of the Finnish Skerries and, in this capacity, played a crucial role in preparing the theater for the First World War. Studnitsky did a lot as chairman of the commission for the revision of publications of the Main Hydrographic Office.

He was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir of the 4th degree with bows, St. Vladimir of the 3rd degree, St.Stanislav 1st degree, St.Anna 1st degree.
After the revolution he emigrated and lived in Finland. Buried in Brendae.
Cape on the northeast coast of the Gribovaya Bay on the southern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named in 1889 by the officers of the schooner "Bakan".


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