Suvorin Mikhail Alekseevich

(18.12.1860 – 17.09.1936)

Russian writer, playwright, journalist, public figure of the conservative direction, doctor. The son of the publisher A.S. Suvorin, brother of journalists A.A. Suvorin and B.A. Suvorin.

Born in Voronezh, graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University. For some time he worked as a journalist, was in charge of bookstores selling books by the publishing house A.S. Suvorin railway stations.

Since 1903, Suvorin became a co-owner and with the chief editor of the newspaper"Novoye Vremya". He was one of the correspondents of A.P. Chekhov, led an active correspondence with him and was in friendly relations. Their contacts ceased after Suvorin took an anti-Semitic position in connection with the Dreyfus affair.

In 1910 he was elected a member of the Council of the All-Russian National Union.

In 1912, Suvorin organized a fundraising and financial support for the expedition to the North Pole G.Ya. Sedov. The rush, weak equipment, and the late departure from Arkhangelsk (August 14, the 27th in new style) of the "St. Martyr Foka" hunting vessel (renamed after Hibernating on Novaya Zemlya to “Mikhail Suvorin”) caused a very difficult situation for the expedition that did not reach a goal and life costing Sedov. Despite the widespread use of the expedition to the North Pole for promotional purposes, Suvorin refused to organize and, moreover, finance the sending of a ship with coal for the expedition, as it was agreed before it began. The First World War began and completely different events and heroes were on the agenda.

In 1914–1917, Suvorin published the journal "Lukomorye" (Petrograd), founded the "Noviy Chelobek" publishing house in St. Petersburg, in which he published books on alternative medicine and exotic methods of treating human diseases.

After the Bolshevik coup of 1917, he fled from Petrograd to the South of Russia; lived in the territory controlled by whites (Gagra, Rostov-on-Don), collaborated with the military administration of the commander of the Armed Forces of Southern Russia, Lieutenant-General A.I. Denikin.

In January 1920, he left Russia forever. Originally lived in Bulgaria, from where he moved to Yugoslavia and settled in Belgrad.

In 1921, he renewed the publication of the newspaper "Novoye Vremya" in Belgrade, becoming its publisher and one of the three co-editors.

In 1922, Suvorin became the chairman of the Literary and Artistic Society of Yugoslavia, was a member of the Belgrade Union of Russian Writers and Journalists.In September 1928 he took part in the 1st congress of Russian writers and journalists abroad held in Belgrad.

Died in Belgrade, buried in the New Cemetery.

A mountain on the southern shore of Sedov Bay on the Barents coast of the northern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named  in 1913 by G.Ya.Sedov.


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