Tyrtov Pavel Petrovich

Russian sailor, vice admiral.
Descended from an ancient noble family Tyrtovykh, whose roots go back to the beginning of the XVI century.
Born in his family estate in the province of Tver. Love for the fleet and loyalty to the sea business were a family trait of the Tyrtov family. Since the Russian fleet began to exist, the names of the Tyrtovs have always been on its lists. As early as 1702, Colonel Tyrtov, commanding a regiment of 1000 people, put them into 30 boats and attacked a sailing squadron in Lake Ladoga. After this defeat, the Swedes forever left the waters of Lake Ladoga.
Tyrtov received his initial education in the Naval Cadet Corps. He began his service in 1852, two years later became an officer and was assigned to the ship "Vilagosh", who was stationed on the Kronstadt raid to protect the fortress from the attack of the approaching united Anglo-French fleet.
After the end of the Crimean campaign, Tyrtov entered the Maritime Academy and at the end of it in 1857 received the rank of lieutenant. He continued his service almost exclusively at sea, passing all the steps of the service ladder from the junior midshipman to the squadron commander in the Pacific. In total, he spent 18 years on the deck of a ship. For 27 years Tyrtov commanded various ships, and in 1886, already with the rank of Rear Admiral, he was appointed Assistant Chief of the Main Naval Staff, later commanded the squadrons. In 1896 he was appointed manager of the navy ministry.
Tyrtov's great merit is also the fact that, occupying high military posts, he constantly argued for the need to study and develop the Pacific Ocean. For five years he explored the coast of the Far East, visited the ports of Korea, China, and Japan. He created several projects for settling low-inhabited areas of Primorye with Russian subjects, organizing permanent bases for Russian ships, and building ship repair and shipbuilding plants.
The merits of Tyrtov are marked by the orders of St. Anna 1, 2 and 3 degrees, St. Vladimir of the 2nd degree, White Eagle. He was a knight of several foreign orders, including the French Order of the Legion of Honor.
At the Navy Minister
, Tyrtov was full of plans to strengthen and develop the Russian navy, but his illness was interrupted by intense activity. He died suddenly in Petersburg. He was buried in the Isidore Church of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery. The grave is not preserved.
Island among the Vostochnye Islands in the archipelago Nordenskiöld. Named by Russian Polar expedition E.V. Toll in 1901. Initially, the name was assigned only to the southern high part of the island.  It belongs to the whole island since 1939.
Bay in the  Chekina Bay on the Kara coast of the northern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named in the winter of 1901–1902 by expedition A.A. Borisov.


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