Trubyatchinsky Nikolay Nikolaevich
Soviet hydrograph, geophysicist, arctic explorer.
Born in Leningrad, where he carried out the blockade, as a junior
commander of the Komsomolsk fire regiment of the Oktyabrsky
In February 1943, the young man was drafted into the army and
sent to study at the Higher Military Hydrometeorological Institute,
which he graduated in 1947.
In 1947–1961
Trubyatchinsky served as a hydrograph engineer and senior
In 1961, he was dismissed as a lieutenant colonel.
Almost all of the subsequent civil life of Trubyatchinsky was
associated with
Arctic Research Institute of Geology and the
Research and production association
"Sevmorgeo" established on its
It was during this period that the qualities of a marine explorer
and organizer were revealed most fully.
After a year of work at
Arctic Research Institute of Geology, in 1962, Nikolai Nikolayevich
headed the Integrated Marine Geophysical Party, which conducted
geological and geophysical research in the Atlantic Ocean.
Based on materials from trips to the Atlantic, Trubyatchinsky
prepared and in 1963 defended his thesis on the topic “Study of the
structure of the water column by methods of applied geophysics”.
Subsequently, until 1972, he worked at
Arctic Research Institute of Geology as the head of the
sector and the responsible executor of several research projects
related to the study of the geological structure of the seabed using
electrical and magnetic prospecting methods.
In 1972 there was another important turn in the life of
NIIGA was transformed into
Research and production association "Sevmorgeo" with production
expeditions in Murmansk and Norilsk.
Nikolai Nikolayevich was appointed head of the Integrated Marine
Arctic Geological and Geophysical Expedition, which was to
be organized in Murmansk from scratch.
At the first stage, the new enterprise had neither office space,
nor ships, nor technical means for conducting geological and
geophysical studies in the Barents, White and Kara Seas.
However, thanks to perseverance, initiative, sociability, vast
experience and knowledge of Trubyatchinsky, the case quickly moved
from its place, and already in 1973, Integrated Marine Arctic
Geological and Geophysical Expedition carried out marine work
on six leased and own ships.
In 1975, at the suggestion of Trubyatchinsky, the first works of
Integrated Marine Arctic Geological and Geophysical Expedition in the Atlantic Ocean were carried out.
In the future, the expedition began to conduct marine work
year-round: in summer and autumn in the Arctic seas, in winter and
spring in the oceans.
The expedition, led by Trubyatchinsky, noted its first five-year
anniversary with the compilation and transfer to the USSR Ministry
of Geology of an album of identified oil and gas promising areas in
the Barents and Kara Seas, including the North Gulyaevskaya, the
North Kildinsky, Murmansk, Kharasavey Sea, the Leningrad Sea.
All these areas today are oil and gas fields.
In the following years, under the leadership of Trubyatchinsky
Integrated Marine Arctic Geological and Geophysical Expedition, it developed successfully and implemented a number of state
programs for studying the seas of the Arctic, Antarctic and the
World Ocean.
As the head of the company and specialist Trubyatchinsky had the
highest authority, the staff of the expedition treated him with
sincere sympathy and respect.
In 1981 he was awarded the
of Honor.
Unfortunately, in the summer of 1987, as a result of the
intrigues of local party structures, Trubyatchinsky was removed from
his post and later worked in Murmansk NIIMORGeofizika.
In the mid-1990s, Trubyatchinsky together with his family
emigrated to Israel, where he died a few years later.
He was buried in the
Alternative cemetery of the city of Veersheva.
The oil and gas prospective
area in the northern part of
the Barents Sea is 1256.4 sq. Km.
The name received in 2002 on the initiative of the general
director of KMAGE G.S.
Kazanin and geophysicists T.A.
Kirillova and T.Ya.