Trunenkova Nina Alekseevna

Arctic Hydrologist.
Born in Ulyanovsk, then the family moved to Leningrad, where Trunenkova graduated from high school in 1939 and entered the Hydrographic Institute.
The war began, the father died during the blockade, the institute closed, as most of the students went to the front. The girl worked on forestry, and on May 23, 1942 went to the front.
Demobilized Trunenkova in February 1945 and continued her studies at the Hydrographic Institute, transformed into the Higher Arctic Naval School. Already in the summer of the same year, she was in practice on the hydrographic vessel "Iceberg", which operated in the Laptev Sea.
After graduating from the institute as an engineer-hydrologist, Trunenkova began her arctic activities. She worked as a topographer in the Gulf of Ob, hibernated as part of the Pevek Pilot Expedition, participated in the survey of the Lena Delta. S.V. Popov wrote: “I personally have witnessed the fact that the hydrographic engineer Nina Alekseevna Trunenkova endured expeditionary adversity with extraordinary courage and modesty. And not on the ship, where the living conditions were quite bearable, but in a tent in the cruel cold with a blizzard, for many hundreds of kilometers from permanent housing”.
Since 1954, Trunenkova worked in the Production and Technical Inspection, often exercised control over the conduct of field work, carried out the acceptance of materials in the field.
She died in Leningrad, was buried at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery.
Cape in the south of the island of Gerasim in the Lena Delta. Named June 4, 1987 Decree number 249, Yakutsk.


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