Young Allen
(12.12.1827– 20.11.1915)

English merchant seaman, arctic explorer.
Born in Twickenham. He began service in the merchant navy in 1846, serving transportation off the coast of East India. Excellent performance of their duties provided Jung with honor and respect in the fleet, he was entrusted with the task of transporting troops during the Crimean company.
Immediately after the end of the war, Jung, as a navigator and responsible for sailing, entered the Arctic expedition of F. McClintock on the Fox heading to search for the missing ships of J. Franklin. The most selected sailors were invited to participate in it. Jung refused any rewards and himself contributed £ 500 to the expedition’s fund.
It all started extremely hard. In the first year of 1857, it was not even possible to enter the Lancaster Strait and reach Beachy Island, the site of the first winter of Franklin. Before them, all the “Franklin” expeditions succeeded. Difficulties allowed McClinthok and Jung to get to know each other well and become close friends. Only in the second year, after wintering in the drifting ice of the  Baffin sea it was able to move into the depths of the Canadian Arctic archipelago to the intended search site and walk to the Peel Strait between the Islands of Prince of Wales and Somerset, where they had to get up for the second wintering. With the beginning of daylight, they finally began to search.
McClintock commissioned Jung to inspect the shores of Prince-Wales Island and Somerset Island. Jung's team included his old friend Garvey, three more Englishmen and the Eskimo Samuel, who was in charge of the dog teams. They left on April 7, crossed the Franklin Strait in two days and landed on Prince-Wales Island. It turned out that the coast of the island stretches to the south much farther than expected, and Jung, fearing that they would not have enough food, sent most of the people back, leaving only one satellite for Hobdey, with whom he had done the planned search for forty days. Of course, it was an extremely bold and dangerous experiment.
Unprepared for the construction of snow shelters for the night, they simply dug a hole in the snow that held two people and spent the night in it. Moving along the coast of the Prince-Wales Island, Jung and his companion on May 7 reached the hills, which in 1851 saw S. Osborne. Wanting to continue the search, Jung tried to cross over to Victoria Island, but could not do it because of the difficult ice covered with hummock with deep snow. As a result of the selfless march of Jung and Hobdey, the mapping of the southwestern and western shores of Prince-Wales Island was completed, which was important for geography, and the state of the ice in the McClinthok Strait separating Victoria Island was investigated.
Upon his return, Jung needed treatment, but, contrary to the doctor’s protests, this time with Harvey on June 10 he set off on a new expedition, wishing to complete the description of the south-eastern coast of Prince Wales Island. Having solved this problem, they crossed over to the island of Somerset and mapped its southern part. The satellites were extremely tired, moreover, they were very saddened by the failure to find traces of the expedition of Franklin. McClintock, having finished his march and having learned that Jung had not yet returned, went to meet him and helped him get to the ship.
At home, the expedition was enthusiastically received.
In 1862, Jung commanded the Fox when laying the submarine cable between Iceland and Greenland, later assisted Admiral S. Osborne in providing the European-Chinese flotilla, commanding the ship in 1862–1864. during the Taiping uprising in China.
In 1875, Jung attempted to pass the Northwest Passage on the yacht "Pandora", built at his own expense. The purpose of the campaign was also the search for any written evidence of the fate of the expedition of Franklin. Neither one nor the other could not be reached, "Pandora" was able to get through only to the Peel Strait. Jung checked his shooting in 1859 and saw how accurately it was made, despite the harshest conditions. In 1876, Jung intended to try again, but the Admiralty unexpectedly invited him to start securing the Ners expedition, believing that no one else could do this important work more successfully. Jung successfully coped with the task, and as a reward for this, in 1877 he was granted the title of Queen of the nobility.
Jung’s next venture, which entered the history of the development of the Russian Arctic, was his voyage in 1882 on the ship Hope to the shores of Novaya Zemlya, where the expedition of B. Lee-Smith was rescued at the western entrance to the Matochkin Strait. Bots from the archipelago Franz Josef Land after the death of his ship and wintering.


"Fox" is living its time. Godhavn, Greenland. 1914


During the Egyptian War, Jung was a maritime representative in the Society for National Assistance.
For his merits, Jung was awarded a number of English and foreign orders, in 1879 in London published his notes on two voyages to the Arctic on the "Pandora".

He died in Brookwood, Surrey, England, buried in Brookwood Cemetery.
Islands (Young) in the bay of Bathurst Beaufort Sea.

An island (Young) and a bank (Young Shol) in the Barrow Strait in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
Cape (Young) in Bathurst Bay, Beaufort Sea.

Cape ( Allen Young) on ​​the southwest coast of Prince Wales Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
Cape to Dolphin and Union Strait between the coast of Canada and Fr. Victoria.

Strait (Allen-Jung) in the south of the archipelago Franz Josef Land. Named F. Jackson.
Bay (Young) in the east of the Prince of Wales Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

Bay (Young Inlet) in the north of Bathurst Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

The bay (Allen) and the river (Allen) in the south-west of Cornwallis in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

Lake (Allen) in the north of the Prince of Wales Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.


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